Monday, 26 May 2008


The wedding-dong...these guys are specially for jam bolland and his lovely wife to be!
Maybe im not quite as whithered inside as i first thought...?

NEW NEW! A herotype for all those who like to customise...
Some of my own scrawlings hopefully comming soon...

Herotypes finally get online....

Ready for enjoyment!
Please dont eat your herotypes, it would be like eating your dog.
All Herotypes are one offs, lovingly handmade and stand approximatly 5 cm tall.

Here's three for the 'Vavarge Collection' - check out for some good graphics from Roughe and musical interludes from the boys at Vava...

Here's A La Fu with his boom-box and buttons

And We Yo Nee with their silent protest...

and Brent Handlebear caught in a trap and peeping through his paper bag for rescuers...

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Here's a new Herotype - one for the aquatic-fanatics - with scales and spikes...try not to step on him!

And the first ever lady Herotype! Inspired  by a certain Icelandic singer, she has a a smattering of jewels and poor depth perception...

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Those in the pipeline...awaiting perfection and a decent oven...

Walrus or them...

The direction my career seems to be going in...

A special one for Andy Smith...he'll have your eye oot!

Plus a new technique for the eyes making them look altogether more real...

More of these comming soon!